Debra “Creepy” Quincy. Nickname: Ruby.
Born in 1987 in the United Kingdom. Moved to Korea in 1993. Mother from Korea, died 1995. Father unknown. Orphan and homeless seven years old. Was ‘adopted’ into the Korean mafia “The Double Dragon” after living three years on the streets of Gwang Ju.
Specialist in organized crime, street fight, weapons. Excellent with knife and machete.
Moved back to the UK in 2009 and enrolled in the army. Afghanistan war from 2010-2011. From 2011 to 2012 she worked as ‘solution manager’ for MI6 in heavy conflict areas around the world. From 2013 freelance. www.TrinitySisters.com
Personal blog with my books about the Trinity Sisters. Doing a section on author coaching at the moment.

Lenora “Quiet” Quincy. Nickname: Emerald.
Moved to Los Santos in 2012. Bought an apartment at Del Perro and discovered that Hit Woman lived in the apartment above her and that they actually are twin sisters!
Lenora was the quiet one. Abused by her stepfather most of her childhood until she stabbed him and ran away from home. Fled to From UK to the US and lived on the streets for some years until a kind policeman found her and helped her despite the fact that she was wanted.
The policeman was Johnny “Psycho” Smith’s father. www.GtaPhotos.com

Angelica “Weirdo” Quincy. Nickname: Sapphire.
Moved to Los Santos in 2012. Lenora, Debra, and Angelica were separated in childhood. Lenora moved to Los Santos, met Debra and they started searching for Angel.
Moved to Los Santos and started a Yoga school.

Celestine “Talent” Quincy. Nickname: Diamond/Tinker Bell
Celestine was a surprise! Born 1989. When Debra, Len, and Angel found their father, he had a surprise for them. A fourth sister!
She was raised in a school run by Buddhist nuns in Thailand close to where her father lives.
Runs a yoga studio in LS and is regarded as a highly qualified spiritual guide and meditation trainer.
She only has two questions for you:
1. Who do you think you are?
2. Who are you when you do not think?

Miss. Tipsy.
Miss Tips was an experiment. The test was to make it to level 120 in 14 days. See the videos here if you want to get real tips to start your own character in GTA Online.

Melania Tramp

Dave “Snyper”.
Born in US 1978. Grew up in The Bronx. Freelance entrepreneur. Martial arts expert. Repairs any vehicle using primarily duct tape. Walked in and out of jails most of his life. Can be hired for extreme jobs. At 18 the judge presented him with a choice. 10 years of hard time or the military.
He chose the army and served 2 years before joining Special Forces (The Green Berets) where he later was handpicked for DEVGRU – Formerly known as Seal Team Six.
Read More: www.DontFuckWithDaddy.com/

Johnny “Psycho” Smith.
A former detective in the LSPD but resigned due to his lack of will to be bribed. Started his career in US Navy in 1996 (Central African Republic, Operation Quick Response and Freetown Sierra Leone to secure and evacuate embassy personnel) and served his country for two years before attending the Police Academy.
After putting several famous druglords behind bars, he was approached by the CIA, who offered him pilot training and suddenly he found himself flying drugs in and out of Panama for the Agency (Cocaine Import Agency).
It did not take long to realize that if he did it all by himself, he would make a lot more money. So he dropped the CIA to start his own business in LS. The Agency was not happy about him leaving, so they sent a ‘laundry team’ of six highly dangerous killers. They haven’t been seen since…

Oliver “Coach” Hardy. He is a cook. He was hired by Snyper to work at his yacht. He was the one who singlehanded took down four helicopters and three Dinghys that attacked the yacht, when the defenses were out of order.
When Snyper came home that night, there were bodies and helicopter parts all over the yacht and dinner was ready at eight o’ clock as usual!
He got his nickname Coach because he once was a bus driver in Scotland. Later on, he proved to be a tactical genius that had to be taken into consideration if plans were to be 100% successful.

Mr. Quincy.
Father of The Trinity Sisters. Was working for MI6 in Nicaragua and home on vacation in London when he met the woman who became the mother of Debra, Len, and Angel.
They only knew each other for a few days before he went back to Nicaragua not knowing she was pregnant. They never saw each other again.

Mr. Tips
The founder of Gta Tips.
Snyper 2
Egon Olsen
Benny Frandsen
Kjeld NIelsen
Donald Tramp
Kjeld Nielsen